Senior Checkout:
Seniors must have a completed checkout form submitted at the end of the day on Thursday, May 30. A completed checkout form means the student has turned in all his/her textbooks, library books, and equipment and all debts have been cleared. A student may participate in graduation if a checkout form is not submitted but will not be able to pick up his/her diploma.
Conduct Expectations:
Participation in Graduation is a privilege, not a right. It is a privilege that can be revoked by the Administration in the event of students choosing to break school rules which result in disciplinary action. Seniors must behave responsibly in order to ensure their ability to participate in CIHS’ Graduation Ceremony. Seniors who demonstrate poor behavior between now and graduation and during graduation may lose participation in graduation, be withdrawn from the ceremony, and have their diploma withheld until disciplinary consequences are served.
Graduation Practice:
Graduation practice is MANDATORY for all graduates. The ceremony requires a great deal of coordination of almost 600 students, therefore, practice is needed.
Practice Day 1: You will check in on Friday May 30 at 8:30 AM at the stadium. Graduates will be able to choose where they sit on the field and may choose to sit with friends during the graduation ceremony. Be sure to be together on Friday morning in the stadium so that we can organize things so that you sit together.
Practice Day 2: Monday June 3, you will be practicing the procession and will meet at the gym to practice lining up. You will receive your graduation tickets for your family at the end of graduation practice on June 3rd. Be sure to be there. Wear sunscreen and bring a water bottle as you will be in the sun for several hours as you get organized and practice walking onto the stage.
Graduation Tickets:
Each graduate will be issued 5 tickets only. These tickets will be for either the home or visitor side, depending on where the graduate sits on the field. Graduates will receive their tickets on Monday, June 3 at the second graduation practice. No additional tickets will be issued as we must not exceed the capacity of the stadium.
Graduation Ceremony Arrival:
Graduates must be dropped off at the gate near the gym by 12:15 pm at the latest. The stadium will be open for families to enter at 1:00 pm.
Entry to the stadium will be at the gate accessed through the faculty parking lot or the gate accessed from Gary Drive.
Graduates MAY NOT wear leis during the graduation ceremony. Families need to save those items to adorn their graduate AFTER the ceremony.
Graduate Apparel:
Graduation is an important life event. Graduates are expected to wear a graduation robe, cap with a tassel, and a satin stole to the ceremony. Under the graduation robe, graduates are expected to in dress semi-formal attire.
If you identify as male:
- A nice collared shirt
- Nice pants; no jeans, no torn pants, no shorts.
- Dress to impress!
- Closed toe shoes.
If you identify as female:
A nice blouse and pants
A dress or skirt and blouse
No jeans or shorts, no torn clothing, no sheer/see through fabrics.
Shoes - IF you choose to wear heels, they MUST be a wedge or block heel (1 inch block).
NO Stiletto (spike) heels are allowed on the stadium track or field.
Cap Decoration Guidelines:
CIHS graduation cap guidelines are designed to allow some individualization of the graduation cap, but also maintain the philosophy that the students together comprise a single class that is being honored; and uphold a dignified solemn decorum central to the traditions of the graduation ceremony. Secure your decoration with Velcro or double-sided tape. You only receive ONE cap for the ceremony. Administration reserves the right to now allow anything that is not considered appropriate for the commencement ceremony.
It is appropriate to:
Communicate through your design your future plans:
1. Recognize the college or university you will attend.
2. Recognize the branch of the military you will be joining.
3. Recognize the career/technical institution you will attend.
Communicate through your design gratitude by thanking:
1. Parents ~ Grandparents ~ Teachers ~ Guardians
2. Acknowledge the year of your graduating class
3. Having a school-appropriate motivational quote
Cap Decorations:
1. Must lay flat on the cap. NO objects such as signs, stuffed animals, bells, flowers, or any 3D object may rest on a cap.
2. Your cap CANNOT make noise. No bells, horns, or anything that can make noise.
3. Decorations cannot extend past the edge of the cap or hang over the cap.
4. Must be school appropriate — No offensive language, sayings, nicknames, pictures, or lyrics on cap. No words, symbols, icons, or other items affiliated with gangs or which advocate drug use, violence, illegal activity, or disruptive behavior, which is detrimental to the safety and welfare of other students.
5. No other numbers other than the graduation year.
ALL caps will be reviewed and approved in advance of graduation week.
Balloons, Horns, Posters, Umbrellas:
None of these items will be allowed in the stands as they will obstruct the view of other families. Balloons may be tied to the stadium fence and retrieved after the ceremony to give to graduates. No air horns, bells, or beach balls are permitted in the stadium. Umbrellas will obstruct the view of others, please choose to wear sunscreen and hats for sun protection.
Parking Locations:
Oxnard College - The parking lot nearest Gary Drive.
College Park
Channel Islands High School - front parking lot with have limited space.
Praise Chapel Church - along Raider Way. Parking will be $10.
VIP Parking - on basketball courts
Handicap Parking - Enter through the gate near the gym and park on the basketball courts behind the gym. ALL cars needing handicap parking must have a requested special access pass.
*Please allow adequate time to park your car and walk to the stadium in time for the ceremony. *
Post Graduation:
Families will meet their graduate in the Channel Islands High School Quad. Families will NOT be allowed to join the graduates on the stadium field. Multiple backdrops for photo opportunities will be provided on the Quad.
Diploma Pick-Up:
Graduates will pick up their Diploma on Wednesday, June 5 between 9:00 and 11:00 at the front of the main office.
Photography and Ceremony Live Stream:
The graduation ceremony will be live streamed for families to watch from home. Specific details for this connection will be provided closer to the event.
Graduate Photography:
Legends Photography will be offering a wonderful service to our graduates. Graduates who register with Legends using a selfie of their face will have access to any photo taken of that graduate by Legends during the ceremony. The photos will be available to purchase by that graduate and their family.
Families will have access to all photos taken that include their graduate, both formal poses, at the moment of graduation and candid photos. Families can choose to download or print any of these photos they choose, and package options will be available for purchase. The only requirement is that graduates register with a clear selfie picture. No registration - no photos.
Graduates! If you have not yet registered for Graduation photos, Click on the Graduation Photos tab to register as soon as possible!