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Seal Of Biliteracy

The State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB), marked by a gold seal on the diploma or transcript, recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing one or more languages in addition to English. Recognition will include a special seal on your high school diploma, a medallion, an honor cord, and a certificate of achievement.

To be considered for the seal of biliteracy complete the OUHSD State Seal of Biliteracy Application Form by Friday, January 31, 2025.

Criteria for State Seal of Biliteracy: 

Demonstrate English Language Proficiency by: 


✓ Pass all English Language Arts requirements with a 3.0 GPA or above


Assessment (choose one):

✓ Pass CAASPP for English Language Arts in grade 11 at or above the "standard met" (3) achievement level.

✓ Pass an English AP exam with a score of 3 or higher (AP English Language & Composition, AP English Literature  & Composition, or AP Seminar).

✓ Pass an English IB examination with a score of 4 or higher. 

✓ Achieve a score of 480 or above on the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section of the SAT.


Demonstrate Proficiency in one or more languages other than English by: 


✓ Complete 4 years of World Language in 1 language with a 3.0 GPA or above, and conduct oral interview in target language 


✓ Pass a world language AP exam  with a score of 3 or higher. 

✓ Pass an IB exam with a score of 4 or higher.

✓ Pass an ACFTL Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) with scores of intermediate mid or higher.

✓ Pass a school district language exam that, at minimum, asses speaking, reading, and writing in a language other than English at the proficient level higher. 


For more information, visit California Department of Education State Seal of Biliteracy



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