If you need a Work Permit, just follow these 3 easy steps.
Step #1- Print the attached digital copy of the Application for Work Permit (if you do not have a printer, you can obtain the blue hard copy of “Application for Work Permit” from the office window in the quad or directly from Coach Raq at the College & Career Center office)
Step #2- Complete every line on the application and obtain signatures from your parent and your employer. Your employer will need to complete their section of the application as well. You will also need to sign the document. If any lines are left blank, we will be unable to issue Work Permit, so please be thorough and check each line.
Step #3- Once the “Application for Work Permit” is completed, including all signatures, return application to Coach Raq at the College & Career Center Office at Channel Islands campus. You will be contacted via phone or email once the Work Permit is ready to be signed and picked up. Parents cannot pick up student work permits, as they require the student’s wet signature.
*Please note it will take a minimum of 24 hours, after turning in your application, for it to be processed. Please plan accordingly.